Almost Transparent Blue Groupshow
PLEASE JOIN US AT Y GALLERY ON SATURDAY Almost Transparent Blue Curated by Cecilia Jurado Drawings by: Miguel Aguirre (PE), Conor Backman (US), Balam Bartolome (MX), Ryan Brown (US), Judith Page (US), Miguel Angel Rios (AR) and Ulrike Theusner (GR) Y GalleryProject Space165 Orchard Street (F, M, J, Z trains)New York, NY 917 721 4539www.ygallerynewyork.com […]
SATURDAY APRIL 30TH / Samstag, 30. April 15:00 – 21:00 UNKNOWN ARTSHOW IN GOOD UNITS AT HUDSON HOTEL NYC(356 West 58th Street New York, NY 10019) „A group exhibition featuring art, design, performance, and architectural technology. The first of a series of shows, UnKNOWN will push the envelope in hopes of creating new space for […]